Chiles Rellenos


Hello there!

What a beautiful spring-like day it was to have our March Mexican Family Recipe Day! We made it a Sunday brunch...perfect day for mimosas! And yes we know, mimosas are not mexican, but they hit the spot just right. Cheers!


6 chiles poblanos or chiles pasilla
2 lb. mozarella cheese
3 eggs separated
1 c. all purpose flour
4 tbsp. oil
2 tomatoes
1 onion
1 garlic clove
a few springs of cilantro
1/2 c. of water


First, wash and roast 6 "chile poblanos" over the open fire on the stove. You can find "chile poblanos" as chiles pasillas. Turn them over until the entire chile is black and blistery. FYI...ashes may start to fly around a bit over the stove area. I love this smell!!!

Once the chiles are roasted, place them in a plastic bag so they sweat and it's easy to remove the skin. In the meantime, cut up mozarella into sticks, a little shorter than the chile itself so they fit inside. I used 3 sticks per chile.

Take the roasted chiles out of the bag and wash them under running cold water. You will be able to just slip the blackened skins off the chiles. Cut a slit down the side of each chile and deseed them. Put 3 mozarella sticks in each chile, and close the slit with a toothpick.

Now let's make the sauce. Boil 2 tomatoes. Once boiled, blend them with a small onion, a bit of cilantro, 1 garlic clove and about 1/2 cup of water together. Drain with a collander. Set aside.

Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. Meantime, whip 3 egg whites in a bowl until they're frothy, then add the yolks to the whites and whip until they're mixed. We had Iliana whip the eggs for us, and she did a superb job. Place flour on a plate or bowl. Once the oil is hot you can start your chile relleno production line. Woo you go...!

Roll each chile in the flour, then dunk it in the egg mixture and pull it out quickly. Let it drip the excess off a bit, and place in the hot oil in the skillet. Do the same with each chile. Let the chile fry for about 2 minutes on each side and flip so the other side fries for 2 minutes. Add the sauce and let it heat for a few minutes until the sauce is heated through.

Remove skillet from the heat. Now, we missed the part where you add he sauce to the skillet...but that's exactly why we've embarked in this blogging adventure :)

Serve the chiles on a plate with a side of Spanish rice. You can pour extra sauce from the skillet over the chiles. Serve with sour cream and some hot salsa if you would like. Garnish with a few cilangro sprigs for a beautiful presentation...although we purposely missed this step cause we couldn't wait to start eating. Listo!!


Spanish Rice


Refried Beans