Ginger Tea | Te de Jengibre

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My mother always had some sort of 'remedio' to take care of our ailments while growing up. Many times I felt like 'what in the world?' But as I grew older and had my own children, it occurred to me that all these meds we're putting into our kids bodies can't be good (ie: antibiotics, etc.).

As an ode to those 'remedios' Iā€™m sharing this tasty ginger tea. I recently had this at my mom's and boy did it hit home.

Ginger has many proven health benefits as seen in this article. It helps with nausea (including morning sickness), reduces muscle pain and soreness, is anti-inflammatory, lowers blood sugar and improves heart disease risk factors, may help prevent cancer, helps with menstrual pains improves brain function and protects against Alzheimer's disease amongst other things.


2 cups of water
1/4" fresh ginger sliced thinly
1/4" fresh ginger squeezed with garlic press
Agave to taste


Boil water. Place sliced ginger in a cup and squeeze the other 1/4" of ginger in the cup (I throw portion left in the garlic press into the cup as well). Pour boiling water in the cup and sweeten to taste with agave. You can even throw a lemon slice in it for taste.

Enjoy your cup of tea and reap the benefits of this all-natural, warm beverage.


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